That’s right.Time To Vote

It’s never “time” for a woman president.

It never has been and it never will be.

Just like it never was “time” for a black president, an Asian president, a Hispanic president, a gay president, a Native American president, or a transgender president.

Or a white president.

Hillary-Cougar-Rodham-Mellencamp-Clinton (HCRMC) is fond of saying, “Isn’t it TIME we had a woman president?”

And I say, “No.”

Not just “No.” but “Hell NO!”

And that statement has absolutely nothing to do with my daily prayers that we never see HCRMC in any role as a policy maker ever again.

So what is it time for?

Or to please our Latin-centric English teachers…

“For what is it time?”

It’s “time” for Americans to elect leaders using the CORRECT decision criteria.

That is the decision criteria that leads to honest, ethical government, and leaders who honor their oath of office to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.  It’s TIME Americans learn and understand the long-term effects of our governing and economic policies.  It’s TIME for Americans to select leaders who expect to live under the laws and policies they impose on the rest of us, instead of considering themselves exempt from them.

When the logic being pitched by Hillary-Cougar-Rodham-Mellencamp-Clinton is employed, we get candidates who are elected BECAUSE they are women, black, etc., none of which by itself, is a qualification for public office.  When we employ the “Vote for my gang” philosophy, Demublicans vote for Demublicans, Republocrats vote for Republocrats, Tea Partiers vote for Tea Partiers, Blacks vote for Blacks, Hispanics vote for Hispanics, Men vote for men, women vote for women, gays vote for gays, etc..  

Some people voted for Barry-Barrack-Soetoro-Obama (BBSO) because he was black, some to prove to themselves that they weren’t racists, and some because they thought it was just “time” for a black president.  I suspect some voted against him the second time around just to prove they weren’t stupid. (as seen on bumper sticker).

And I strongly suspect that some people will combine their thoughts that it’s “time” for a woman president with the impulse thought that “Wouldn’t it be cute if a former first lady grew up to become president herself?” and, given the chance, will vote for Hillary-Cougar-Rodham-Mellencamp-Clinton for those reasons alone.

Funny thing about the USA.  It is every American’s inalienable right to vote for the candidate of their choice, no matter how stupid and inane their reasoning may be.  And some will be infuriated by the title of the article and criticize it without reading it.  It’s this kind of shallow, surface-level analysis passing for “knowledge” that is undermining our Republic.

And our entrenched two-party system relies on and thrives on these kinds of emotional appeals.  Gone are the days where an informed and educated populace selected their leaders for their personal qualities, capabilities, and accomplishments.  It’s all a big marketing game.  The presidential elections are really just the Superbowl for marketing consultants.

So again, what time is it?

It’s time Americans discarded the flawed logic that the only way to eliminate discrimination is with more discrimination.

It’s time Americans thought about the long-term well-being of our nation and our descendants, not just “What can I get for me?”

It’s time that Americans selected their leaders for their honesty, integrity, loyalty to the people, loyalty to the Constitution, accomplishments, and capabilities.

It’s time Americans used these criteria to select the best candidate with COMPLETE AND TOTAL DISREGARD for his or her race, color, creed, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, or which college they attended.

And that’s all I have to say about that.

Thanks for reading.


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